Small Gestures Make a Big Difference at Work
Little acts of appreciation build a climate of collegiality and performance
“Imagine that you happen to know that one of your direct reports likes to play guitar as a hobby. She has various types of guitars at home and will occasionally regale her closest friends with an impromptu performance. Now imagine that this employee goes the extra mile at work one week. Maybe she comes in on Saturday to help meet an important deadline, or volunteers to sit on a committee nobody else wants to get involved with. It goes without saying that she would undoubtedly be pleased if you thanked her and showed recognition for her effort and dedication. But imagine you do one better. Imagine that on Monday morning she arrives at her cubicle to find some sheet music for guitar on her desk with a little note of gratitude. It would likely be an understatement to say that she would feel appreciated. These sorts of small gestures demonstrate genuine caring for your people, and have long been recognized as crucial elements of effective leadership. So, when you’re at work be sure to say “thank you” when people help you out, offer immediate and public praise when people do a good job, and remember to keep a stash of baseball cards in your desk.”